Monday 21 January 2013

Kenny needs to catch Agrippa

I was watching Herod Kenny on The Week in Politics this evening.  Not once did he answer a question asked, or even come close to answering it.  The worst was when asked about abortion and, with a decided smirk, he told the horror of receiving letters and emails saying he was worse than Herod.

Personally I'd see him as more of a Pontius Pilate, but I'm happy to stick with Herod and Ivana can be Mamie Cadden.  Kevin Myers threw in a Herod reference back in October so it's hardly new.

The interviewer, as usual with RTE, wasn't great.  Better than some, he did interrupt a few times when he tried to go into the single transferable Enda speech of stabilising the economy and creating jobs, but never stuck to the question asked with the Robin Day/Paxman rigour required of Kenny.

Three times he asked him what deterrent would be put in place if the 1861 Offences Against the Persons Act were to be repealed.  Each time Kenny began the waffle of referring to the expert committee, the X Case, the ABC case, the protocols, the processes.  "Yes, Taoiseach, that's all very well but will there be any criminal sanction?"

Three times asked, three times avoided.  I think we know the answer.

If you've a bit of spare time toddle over to Wikipedia and visit the page on Abortion in the Republic of Ireland.  If you're signed up to edit have a look at improving the page.  It's written from a pro-choice slant.  I spent a few moments amending the references to the 12th and 25th Amendments to clarify that more than removing the reference to suicide was involved and that they were defeated following opposition from both pro-life and pro-choice supporters.  I hadn't time to do more.  But this is another field where the battle for hearts and minds takes place.  Róisín Bán!

Text of the 1861 Offences Against the Persons Act:

58. Every Woman, being with Child, who, with Intent to procure her own Miscarriage, shall unlawfully administer to herself any Poison or other noxious Thing, or shall unlawfully use any Instrument or other Means whatsoever with the like Intent, and whosoever, with Intent to procure the Miscarriage of any Woman, whether she be or be not with Child, shall unlawfully administer to her or cause to be taken by her any Poison or other noxious Thing, or shall unlawfully use any Instrument or other Means whatsoever with the like Intent, shall be guilty of [an offence], and being convicted thereof shall be liable, ..., to [imprisonment] for Life ... 

59. Whosoever shall unlawfully supply or procure any Poison or other noxious Thing, or any Instrument or Thing whatsoever, knowing that the same is intended to be unlawfully used or employed with Intent to procure the Miscarriage of any Woman, whether she be or be not with Child, shall be guilty of [an offence], and being convicted thereof shall be liable, ..., to [imprisonment for a term not exceeding five years].

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