Wednesday 25 September 2013

Mother of Mercy - Mater Hospital joins the league of abrortionists

"By caring for the sick in the Mater Misericordiae University Hospital we participate in the healing ministry of Jesus Christ;  we honour the spirit of Catherine Mc Auley and the Sisters of Mercy;  we pledge ourselves to respect the dignity of human life;  to care for the sick with compassion and professionalism; to promote excellence and equity, quality and accountability."
This is Mission Statement of the Mater Hospital in Dublin which has just announced it will be carrying out abortions under Kenny's Law.
Even the Irish Times managed to see the inconsistency trumpeting:
"The Mater Misericordiae University Hospital is a Catholic voluntary hospital and was founded by the Sisters of Mercy in 1861. In its mission statement, the hospital says that by caring for the sick, “we participate in the healing ministry of Jesus Christ”.
The Irish Times also notes that: 
"The Mater hospital is a single-member company.
Its website says the majority of the members of the parent company are Sisters of Mercy and the remaining members represent the Catholic Archdiocese of Dublin, the Catholic Nurses’ Guild of Ireland, the Society of St Vincent de Paul and the medical consultants of Mater Misericordiae University Hospital and the Children’s University Hospital."

Fr Kevin Doran has said "no comment".  I presume this will be another case of the Grand Old Duke of York, up the hill and down again.  Just as Archbishop Eamon Martin huffed and puffed and threatened excommunication before the legislation was passed before retreating afterwards and refusing to implement Canons 915 and 916 which require that pro-abortion politicians be refused Holy Communion. 

Fr Doran took a similar postion on RTE's Would You Believe the other night in a dreadful performance, confused, stammering, unclear.  While the "silenced" Tony Flannery pontificated away, attacking the Vatican.

So, if you have the energy for it you can contact the Mater Hospital to complain.  Use the contact form here.  I left a sarky message saying I presumed they'd be changing the Mission Statement and name of the hospital.

You can also write, email or phone the Board of Governors.  The Secretariat and Registered Office for MMCUH is at 74 Upper Dorset Street, Dublin 1.

Telephone: 018607083


It would also be worth emailing the Sisters of Mercy - since their fingerprints are all over this.

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